How do you avoid burnout?

When you accepted your position at the parish, you didn’t just start a new job. You were called into ministry. This came with one important assumption: That you discerned this call out of a deep and rich interior life of prayer. Jesus makes it clear that this is not a call without accountability. It’s important that it bears fruit.

Jesus says, “Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing. Whoever does not abide in me is thrown away like a branch and withers; such branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned.”  John 15:5-6

Notice: Jesus doesn’t say, “Without me you’re not going to get as much done.” He says, “Apart from me you can do NOTHING.” Your work belongs to Jesus. It’s all his. If you’re not doing His work, you will wither, die, and be pruned entirely off of the branch. 

Now why does Jesus warn us of this? Is it to motivate us to action out of fear? No! It’s because he desires us to have great joy in doing his work and bearing his fruit.

I have told you this so that your joy may be complete.”

John 15:11

Have you ever been around someone who had true joy? It’s infectious! If you want to light  real Holy Spirit fires in your church, joy is your best tool. Joy can make up for many gaps in any person’s skill set. Joy is the mark of discipleship. Your discipleship. People know it when they see it, and they want to be a part of it. 

Real joy is not something you can fake indefinitely. Faking joy leads to burnt out grump old ministry professionals. Steadfast joy comes from truly knowing Jesus and hearing him speak direction and meaning into your everyday life. If God has called you into ministry, he will tell you where he wants you to go. And knowing this, gives you strength for the hard work that is ahead of you.

If you want to avoid burn out and bear fruit and in your parish,  Jesus is the answer. Jesus and only Jesus. You need to be with him. Go to him constantly in scripture and in the Blessed Sacrament. Make sure that he is the source of your ministry by cultivating a deep interior life of prayer.

Seek first the Kingdom, and the rest will be given you as well. 

Matthew 6:33


The most important conversation you will have in your ministry is the one between you and God.

  • Budget time for prayer in the context of your work week. Make it the most important meeting in your calendar.

  • Prioritize praying with Scripture and being in front of the Blessed Sacrament.

  • Write down in 1-2 clear, concise sentences what God is calling you to do in the parish.


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