Who cares if my office is messy?
Better Work Jon Konz Better Work Jon Konz

Who cares if my office is messy?

Does this sound like anyone’s office you know?

I passed by the field of a sluggard, by the vineyard of a man without sense; and behold, it was overgrown with thorns; the ground was covered with nettles, and its stone wall was broken down.

Proverbs 24:30-31

Ministry work is busy. The nature of the work often requires us to wear many hats and be many things to many people. We are simply so busy running from one thing to the next, that it’s easier to keep the three things we’re working on right in front of our faces so we can bounce between them. Unfortunately, this makes our work spaces pretty messy, and scripture clearly has an opinion about that. In the verse above, the author goes so far as to call the owner of the field above a sluggard and a man without sense. Yikes!

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How do you avoid burnout?

How do you avoid burnout?

If you want to avoid burn out and bear fruit and in your parish,  Jesus is the answer. Jesus and only Jesus. You need to be with him. Go to him constantly in scripture and in the Blessed Sacrament. Make sure that he is the source of your ministry by cultivating a deep interior life of prayer.

Seek first the Kingdom, and the rest will be given you as well. 

Matthew 6:33

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