Unlock an extra hour in your day

Time is a precious resource, and finding ways to be more efficient and effective can make a world of difference in Catholic ministry. New things often come up at times of least convenience: a vendor dropped out of your fundraiser. A coworker lost a family member, and now their responsibilities are yours. A teen shows up with a serious issue while you’re prepping for youth group. Imagine having an extra hour each day to respond to God however He calls. In this post, we’ll look at two essential strategies to help you build more time into your day.

Know Yourself

This strategy is pretty self explanatory. You need to know yourself well enough to build your day around your strengths and weaknesses. Do you have more energy in the morning? Plan high energy, high concentration activities for this time. Does a large lunch make you sleepy in the afternoon? Eat a smaller lunch. I struggle with this, and typically plan movement-oriented tasks for the post-lunch lull to keep me awake. Batching tasks to take advantage of the natural rhythms of your life simplifies the struggle for productivity.

Productivity Hacks

  1. Pray: It may seem counter intuitive, but you may need to spend more time with Jesus. I’m reminded of a famous story from the life of St. Mother Teresa. A young nun approached her and said, “Mother, we have so much to do and not enough time. I don’t have time for an entire Holy Hour.” To which Mother responded, “Well then, you better do two holy hours.”

  2. Prioritize tasks: Identify your most critical tasks and prioritize them accordingly. When you know at a glance which activity you need to work on next, you'll make significant strides toward achieving more in less time. This also saves a lot brain space from keeping things organized in your head. Want a simple sheet to help you do this? Download “The Only Planner Sheet You’ll Ever Need.”

  3. Time-Blocking: Utilize time-blocking techniques to structure your day. Allocate specific time blocks for different activities, such as answering emails, meeting preparation, or focused work. During these blocks, eliminate distractions, turn off notifications, and immerse yourself fully in the task at hand. You’ll be amazed at the amount of time you can save by simply closing your inbox outside of your email time blocks.

You can free up a lot of time by adjusting a few of your normal working habits. Pay attention to your natural rhythms of life, and embrace some new ways of doing things. This additional hour is not just about accomplishing more tasks but gives you the freedom to respond to things as they come up.


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